SUN 3/30 3:30-5:30PM
DIR. Tecoya Harris

Haunted by his past, Aaron abruptly wakes up in an inpatient mental facility. Following his daily routine, Aaron participates in his one-on-one therapy session, where he is encouraged to face his past traumas and navigate his triggers to best prepare for his pending release. With an unexpected family member coming to see him, this visit could be the thing to set him back or propel him forward. (16:45)

DIR. Talia Koylass

Jacob, an overachieving 22-year-old, juggles the demands of his high-pressure job while avoiding the emotional weight of his past. When a stressful morning culminates in him punching his mirror, he is transported into a mysterious void where he encounters his younger self. What begins as an eerie and surreal confrontation quickly turns into a physical and emotional battle. (11:13)

DIR. Jack Lawrence

"Up in Michigan" is complex look at a twisted relationship based on in otiosity. Adapted from an Earnest Hemingway short story (of the same name). Follow as you witness a story draped in Mangled Love, Presented through unhealthy eyes. Elizabeth Bradly, an artist plagued by her past, destroyed by her husband's past transgressions. (24:45)

DIR. Tyler Holme

A young woman struggles with her well being during a tense dinner party with family and friends. (13:32)
DIR. Michael Ramova

A mystery is brewing in Nazi occupied Romania, where a German soldier will find the horrible truth. (8:17)
DIR. Sarah E Shields

When it becomes clear to Nadia that her boyfriend Tony is just using her to pay off his debts, she takes matters into her own hands. (5:54)

DIR. Ellis Carmichael Willins

Kacey, a woman consumed by her thoughts and loneliness, begins to experience a sense that she’s being watched. No matter where she turns, invasive eyes stare back, corrupting her mind and driving her to the brink of destruction. Will Kacey overpower the darkness growing inside her? Or will she be seduced by the shadows that threaten to uproot her life as she knows it? (21:21)